Edit a scan to change the scan configuration options. The next time the scan runs, the scan results reflect your changes.
In the main menu, select Discovery & automation tools > Network scans.
On the Network scans page, you can either hover the scan name and open the actions ( ) menu or select the scan by name to view the details and do it from there.
Make changes to your scan settings, discovery settings, or schedule settings page.
To save your changes, select:
Update and run to save and run the scan now.
Update and schedule to save and run the scan later.
Suspend a scan to temporarily stops the scan activity. A suspended scan can be resumed to full functionality.
In your DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager account, in the sidebar menu, select Discovery & automation tools > Network scans.
On the Network scans page, select the scan you want to suspend.
Hover the row and open the actions ( ) menu to see the available actions.
Select Suspend.
The option to Resume the scan appears on the same row when you hover the suspended scan.
Delete a scan to permanently disable it and remove it from the list of available scans.
In your DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager account, in the sidebar menu, select Discovery & automation tools > Network scans.
On the Network scans page, select the scan you want to delete.
Hover the row and open the actions ( ) menu to see the available actions.
Select Delete.
To manage multiple scans in bulk:
Go to the Discovery & automation tools > Network scans page.
Use the checkboxes to select the scans.
Hover the name of one of the selected scans, open the Bulk actions menu, and select one of the bulk actions.
Suspend: To temporarily suspend all the selected scans.
Resume: To resume all the selected suspended scans.
Delete: To permanently disable and remove all the selected scans.