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Verify signed binary

Verify signature commands begin with:

smctl signature verify


smctl sign verify


Verify signature commands support these flags:

Tabela 1. Flags for verifying a signature





--fingerprint string

Fingerprint of the certificate to be used for verification. This will be applied based on the options available for the tool used. 




--input string

Specify a file or folder. If you specify a folder, all files inside a folder will be verified. 





Specify the signing tool to be used for signing files. Omit this parameter to allow SMCTL to select an appropriate signing tool based on the file extension.



Specify this parameter to limit the output of the command to a simple one confirmation of success or failure.



Specify this parameter to enable detailed output of the command, providing comprehensive information about the signing process, including success and failure details.



Help for verify.


Description: Verify the signature referred to by the certificate fingerprint located in specified file path.


smctl sign verify --fingerprint <certificate fingerprint> --input <path to file or folder to be verified>

Command sample:

smctl sign verify --fingerprint da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709 -i C:\Users\Name\Desktop\file_or_folder_with_files_to_be_verified
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