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List keypairs

List keypair commands begin with:

smctl keypair list


smctl kp ls


The list keypair command supports these flags:

Tabela 1. Flags for listing keypairs





--filter stringToString

Use to filter by: alias, key_alg, key_size, curve, and key_status.



--page int

Page number. Default is –1, which displays all pages.

--size int

Page size. Default is 100.

--account-id string

Use to list keypairs in your non-primary account by providing the Account ID associated with your username. 


--account-id="<account ID>"



Use to see all command options related to listing keypairs.


List all keypairs

List all keypairs in your account. This command is useful to identify keypair aliases and IDs.


smctl keypair ls

Command sample

smctl keypair ls

Command sample

ID                        Key Modal TYPE  ALIAS   ALGORITHM & SIZE/CURVE   STATUS   TYPE         STORAGE   CERTIFICATE
aab2e7b8-eb69-4a6b-b02f   STATIC          kp-1    RSA - 3072               ONLINE   PRODUCTION   HSM       ea84d89e-8c8a-4f20
455768c5-5e4a-47b3-8fe0   DYNAMIC         kp-2    ECDSA - P384             OFFLINE  TEST         DISK      b9f65b65-ef63-4b61

List a specific keypair

List a specific keypair by providing the keypair alias. This command is useful to identify keypair aliases and IDs.


smctl keypair ls -–filter=<keypair alias>

Command sample:

smctl keypair ls --filter alias=kp-1

Command output

ID                        Key Modal TYPE  ALIAS   ALGORITHM & SIZE/CURVE   STATUS   TYPE         STORAGE   CERTIFICATE
aab2e7b8-eb69-4a6b-b02f   STATIC          kp-1    RSA - 3072               ONLINE   PRODUCTION   HSM       ea84d89e-8c8a-4f20
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