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Installation commands

Follow these instructions to install the DigiCert​​®​​ agent in silent mode on a single Linux server.

You can automate this process using custom scripts or third-party DevOps tools. For instructions for Ansible, see Use Ansible to automate installation.

Before you begin

  • Make sure you have completed all the steps in the Linux agent silent mode preparation, and have the silent mode installer package available (DigiCertADMAgentGPOInstaller.tar.gz).

  • You need root or sudo access on the target system where you will install the agent.

Install the agent

  1. Copy the silent mode installation package you created (DigiCertADMAgentGPOInstaller.tar.gz) to the target Linux system.

  2. Extract the contents of the package. For example:

    tar -xzvf DigiCertADMAgentGPOInstaller.tar.gz
  3. Change into the extracted directory (DigiCertADMAgentGPOInstaller).

  4. Run the following command as root to install the DigiCert agent in silent mode, supplying values for the configuration parameters shown in caps as described below.

    ./ AGENT_BUNDLE_NAME="{agent software bundle}" DIVISION="{division ID}" ALIASNAME="{agent alias name}" PROXY="{proxy configuration}"

    For example:

    ./ AGENT_BUNDLE_NAME="adm_agent_3.0.14_linux64.tar.gz" DIVISION="716494" ALIASNAME="agent_dmz_1" PROXY=""

    Descriptions of configuration parameters:

  5. Monitor the command output to verify success of the silent mode installation process. You should see a series of messages showing the agent software being extracted and installed, concluding with the following two messages:

    Provisioning agent via companion
    Agent installation & launch completed
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