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Create a certificate profile

  1. Sign in to DigiCert® ONE as a Solution Administrator.

  2. In the Device Trust Manager menu, select Certificate management > Certificate profiles.

  3. Select Create certificate profile.

  4. Enter a Name for the certificate profile.

  5. Use DigiCert ONE as the CA source, or choose one from the list.

  6. Under Template, select either End entity or Intermediate CA, depending on your needs.

  7. Choose a certificate template that the certificate profile will use. Configurable custom field options are loaded based on the chosen template.


  8. Select which divisions can use the certificate profile.

    1. All divisions: The certificate profile is available for use by all divisions in the account, making it an account-wide profile.

    2. Specific divisions: Select one or more division that should have access to the certificate profile. The profile will only be available to the chosen divisions.

  9. Under Custom fields to include in certificate, configure fields as needed. For example, you could enable the common name, set it as required, and specify a default value.

  10. Select Create to save the certificate profile.

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