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SafeNet Luna HSM

Before you begin

You'll need:

  • Client certificate for the HSM.

  • Client private key for the HSM.

  • All the HSM server certificates in PEM format.

  • All the HSM partition passwords.

  • The IP address of the HSMs.

To set up a SafeNet Luna HSM:

  1. In DigiCert ONE, in the Manager menu (top right), select CA.

  2. In the CA Services menu, select HSM > SafeNet.

  3. Enter a friendly client name (optional).

  4. Add the client certificate.

  5. Add the client private key.

  6. Select Add HSM server:

    1. Provide the IP and port for the server.

    2. Add the server certificate.

    3. Select Create.

  7. Select Register partition:

    1. Select a partition.

    2. Enter the password for the partition.

    3. Enter a display name.

    4. Select the allowed uses for the partition. (optional)

    5. Select which accounts can use this HSM partition.

    6. Select Register partition.

  8. Select Add HA group (high availability groups, optional):

    1. Enter a group name.

    2. Select group members.

    3. Select Create.

    4. Follow the instructions in Step 7 to register the newly created HA group partition.

Disabling the HSMs

  • Disable all SafeNet HSMs by clicking the disable button above the table of contents menu.

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