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Audit logs

The Reporting & auditing > Audit logs function lists detailed audit log events for your account:

  • Filter log events by selecting the filter icons in the column headers. Multiple filters can be applied.

  • Customize the table columns by selecting the table settings icon at the right side of the table header.

  • Select the Date for any log event to see the details for it.

  • Select the icon next to the date to run the Check data integrity action for a log entry. This checks the data integrity of the entry and returns one of the following responses:

    • Success: The audit log passed the data integrity check.

    • Failure: The audit log failed to pass the data integrity check.

    • Not available: The audit log data integrity check is not available for this record. This gets returned for any log entry generated before June 5, 2024, when the integrity validation check feature was released.

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