To manage ACME-based certificate profiles in DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager, first select Policies > Certificate profiles from the main menu to view the list of profiles in your account. ACME-based profiles show 3rd-party ACME client
in the Enrollment method column.
From the profiles list, hover the name of the desired certificate profile to open the actions (three dots) menu.
Select a profile by name to view the details for it. From the profile details display, select the pencil icon to edit the profile or the actions menu to access other profile management functions.
Trust Lifecycle Manager provides the following management actions for ACME-based certificate profiles.
Action | Description |
Regenerate ACME URL and EAB credentials | Revoke the current EAB credentials and create new EAB credentials for an ACME-based certificate profile. This action is only available from the profile details display. |
Download profile config | Download the complete profile configuration in JSON format. |
Edit profile | Edit the main profile configuration options. This does not modify the ACME EAB credentials. |
Clone profile | Duplicate a profile as the basis for creating a new profile. |
Suspend profile | Temporarily disable a profile. |
Activate profile | Re-enable a suspended profile. |
Delete profile | Permanently delete a profile. |