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Enterprise PKI Manager

API enhancements

New APIendpoint (/mpki/api/v1/seat-types) to retrieve all available seats types using friendly values that can be used when creating/updating/deleting a Seat:






Modified the Seat API endpoints to allow friendly seat types to be passed in as values to the seat_type parameter for all operations. If no seat type value is provided when creating a Seat, a User Seat will be added by default.

See Swagger API documentation for details, under the Help menu.

Other enhancements

  • Profile Wizard

    • All certificate fields within the Subject DN are made optional, but at least one (non-fixed) field must be selected to successfully save the profile.

    • Allow all Key Usage extensions to be checked or unchecked, although at least one extension must be checked to successfully save the profile.

    • The Extended Key Usage extension section is made optional, allowing to save a profile without any Extended Key Usage selected.

    • Renamed the "Key usages" extension page to "Extensions".

  • Notarized DigiCert Desktop Client - Formally notarized the DigiCert Desktop Client software package for macOS by Apple, where it no longer shows a warning to Mac users installing the client.

  • Other Name (Custom) extension - Profiles configured with fixed values for the Other Name (Custom) extension will now be available for the rest of the enrollment methods:

    • Browser PKCS12

    • CSR

    • DigiCert Desktop Client

    • SCEP

    Previously was only available for the REST API enrollment method.

  • Dashboard Redesign - Redesigned dashboard adopting common DigiCert ONE design patterns.

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