Regenerate the ACME credentials for a certificate profile if the current credentials get lost or compromised.
When you regenerate the ACME credentials, the old credentials get revoked and all ACME clients must start using the new credentials for that profile.
To regenerate the ACME credentials for an existing certificate profile in DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager:
From the profile details display, open the actions (three dots) menu on the right. Select the option to Regenerate ACME URL and EAB credentials.
A popup window launches warning you that your current ACME credentials will be revoked. Select Regenerate to proceed.
The ACME URL and EAB credentials popup window launches, showing the new ACME URL and EAB credentials.
Copy your new credentials and store them somewhere safe. You can use the "copy" icon next to each field to copy it into your clipboard or select the Copy all button to copy them all at once.
After copying the new ACME credentials, Close the popup window.
The ACME credentials are displayed only once. There is no way to retrieve this information once you have navigated away from it. If you ever lose the ACME credentials for the profile, you will need to regenerate the ACME credentials for it again.