DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6573.3 | Document Trust Manager: 1.724.0
Fixed validation approval page saving error for RA validation when organization dropdown field is mandatory.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6573.2 | Document Trust Manager: 1.723
Released SealSign 2.0 Client (1.0.8). This version introduces the following features:
Allow eSealing of documents using subfolders placed within the input folder.
Optional document security properties to allow the following:
RC4, AESV2, and AESV3 document encryption.
Password protection after signing if document is not password protected.
Support for PAdES and its baseline signature profiles (PAdES-B-B, PAdES-B-T, PAdES-B-LT (default), and PAdES-B-LTA).
Signature SubFilter support to describe the encoding of the PDF signature and key information in the signature dictionary.
Signature appearance to allow creation of a certified MDP (modification detection and prevention) document.
Added feature flag to restrict RA data sent in POST approve validation API.
If feature flag is enabled, identification_document
, title
, partner_id
, profession_validation_date
, organization_identifier
, organization_country
, organization_state
, organization_locality
cannot be passed.
"account": {
"id": "account_id"
"contact_data": {
"mobile_phone": "+1234567890",
"email": "string"
"user_data": {
"first_name": "string",
"last_name": "string",
"nationality": "string",
"ident_language": "en-US",
"organization": "string",
"organization_uuid": "organization_uuid"
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6392.5 | Document Trust Manager: 1.719.0
Released SealSign 2.0 Client (1.0.8). This version introduces the following features:
Allow eSealing of documents using subfolders placed within the input folder.
Optional document security properties to allow the following:
RC4, AESV2, and AESV3 document encryption.
Password protection after signing if document is not password protected.
Support for PAdES and its baseline signature profiles (PAdES-B-B, PAdES-B-T, PAdES-B-LT (default), and PAdES-B-LTA).
Signature SubFilter support to describe the encoding of the PDF signature and key information in the signature dictionary.
Signature appearance to allow creation of a certified MDP (modification detection and prevention) document.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6392.4 | Document Trust Manager: 1.711.0
Released new version of true-Sign V Client (4.0.11). The new version introduces new enhancements:
Added “Logout All” option in the tray icon menu. This feature clears cookies associated with OAuth2 URLs unless persistent cookies are configured by other IdPs.
Added the ability to send a description containing the executable process when requesting signature authorization from Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC) service.
Increased progress bar size in the embedded browser window to make background activities during the OAuth2 authentication process easily recognizable.
Added new certificate store configuration option to allow certificate specific assignments of crypto providers. Added ability to install Key Storage Provider (KSP) without registering Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) aliases.
Changed the system dynamic-link library (DLL) search order to prevent DLL sideloading attacks by users with local administrator rights.
Added functionality to display Create Validation button only if active basic validation profiles or delegated RA validation profiles are present in the account.
Added client credential authentication mode support in Enhance hash (/hashes) and Enhance signatures (/signatures) APIs.
User ID will now be used as serial number in certificates issued using ADSS profiles.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6392.1 | Document Trust Manager: 1.693.0
Integrated OAuth 2.0 into Swagger UI for improved security and authorization in API interactions.
SealSign 2.0 Client version 1.0.7 released, featuring:
Support for PIN-based credentials for AATL eSeals within the European Union.
Starting November 1, 2023, at 18:00 MDT (November 2, 2023, at 00:00 UTC), we will require all DigiCert ONE accounts to use two-factor authentication (2FA).
You will use both your credentials and a one-time password to access your account. When you log in to your DigiCert ONE account on November 1, you will be prompted to set up two-factor authentication. If you have already enabled two-factor authentication in Account Manager before this date, no further action is necessary.
How to enable two-factor authentication in Account Manager.
If you use single sign-on (SSO) to access your DigiCert ONE account, the new two-factor authentication requirement does not affect you. However, the requirement will activate if you modify your SSO settings.
DigiCert® ONE version: | Document Trust Manager: 1.673.0
Added authentication to all endpoints except CSC/info on Swagger UI page.
Fixed audit logs display.
Fixed username display on credential details screen.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.6074.1 | Document Trust Manager: 1.660.0
Fixed issue that was appearing in credential details screen when the user's credential was expired and the user's keypair was deleted in the signing engine.
DigiCert® version: 1.5658.2 | Document Trust Manager: 1.608.0
Added the ability to disable or enable validation profiles when there is an active self-enrollment link or a validation in progress.
Added ability to update validations (product type and nickname fields) while the validation is in progress or self-enrollment link is active.
Improved framework to filter by list values in http query request. Improved validation filtering by a comma-separated list of statuses and validation profile id.
Added restrictions to stop creation of validation in specific scenarios (where T&C is enabled, or where identity verification and credential creation methods are remote).
Added redirect_account_Id
param to validation details URL to help approvers with flow for onboarding users manually.
Updated True-Sign V (third-party signing app) to version 4.0.9.
Enhanced EU nationality usage for AutoIdent AATL and VideoIdent AATL.
The authType oauth2client is returned in csc/info response for CH and EU regions only.
Fixed Audit log API issue where system users were seeing audit log records that were not theirs to view.
Updated text on update mobile, email, and QR modal on Credential listing page to alert signers to incoming text from Go>Sign (third-party identity verification app).
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.5658.0 | Document Trust Manager: 1.589.0
SealSign 2.0 Client improvements now supports proxy servers. Newly introduced profiles support multiple configurations of servers, input/output folder, credentials, etc.
Updated client credential flow in Swagger documentation.
Added “bulk id” and “onboarding type” columns and filtering for them on validation listing screen. Added new AutoIdent AATL and VideoIdent AATL remote validation providers.
Audit logs now show the user’s name on the audit logs detail page if the user created an audit log.
Fixed app names on verify identity page (IDnow Online Ident). Updated migration banner text to “Reissue these credentials.“
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.5428.7 | Document Trust Manager: 1.572.0
Added FDQN host in Swagger UI to support all DigiCert environments.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.5428.6 | Document Trust Manager: 1.566.0
Enhanced bulk onboarding flow for retail customers:
Onboarding user id and validation status now display when users are bulk onboarded and select the Self-Enrollment Portal link.
Updated bulk onboarding email template.
Added filtering support for onboarded users column on account details page.
Added filtering by user id to validation list API, which also now shows if users have onboarded.
Minor enhancements to API documentation:
Updated page title to Document Trust Manager REST API.
Hid "schemas" section.
Removed Documents API.
Updated banner content on dashboard for migrating customers.
Fixed duplicate validation count in the validation-usage widget on dashboard screen for remote_manual validation.
Fixed “Invalid Certificate Profile” error on validation approval page (validation without create credential policy).
Fixed migration job failure if user credentials are revoked by the vendor.
Fixed error in servers selection dropdown menu on Swagger UI documentation page.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.5428.3 | Document Trust Manager: 1.553.0
Fixed issue where credential creation would fail from invalid log message length after validation approval.
Fixed issue where Multisign value of ADSS credentials were not being fetched as intended.
DigiCert® ONE version: 1.5428.1 | Document Trust Manager: 1.551.0
Bulk onboarding now supported for retail and enterprise accounts.
Changed UI text for validation_error
to credential_creation_error
Added support for system scope users to create and manage SEP links.
Added audit logs for user/credential creation during the create validation flow.
For email notification, added translation of email subjects.
Added seconds and milliseconds to credential name in the first credential creation.
Added ability to select default onboarding credential profile for default validation profile.
Updated the Extended validation profile API responses to contain the onboarding credential profile field. This enables multiple credential creation after validation approval.
Recent API changes:
[GET] /validation-profile/{id}
[GET] /validation-profile
[PUT] /validation-profile/{id}/enable
[PUT] /validation-profile/{id}/disable
credential_profile_ids : [] <- newly added
[POST] /enrollment-link
[PUT] /enrollment-link/{id}
[GET] /enrollment-link/{id}
[GET] /enrollment-link
[PUT] /enrollment-link/{id}/enable
[PUT] /enrollment-link/{id}/disable
credential_profile_ids : ['String'] <- newly added
[GET] /ui-api/enrollment-link/{id}
certificates : <--- added
subject_dn : String,
validity : String,
certificate_Profile_id : String
[GET] /validation/user/{userId}
validation_list: [
credential_profile_ids : ['String'] <- newly added
certificates : <--- newly added
subject_dn : String,
validity : String,
certificate_Profile_id : String
[GET] /validation/{validationId}
[POST] /validation
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/revalidate
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/reSendEmail
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/approve
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/reject
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/cancel
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/disable
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/enable
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/invalidate
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/reject-selfenrolled-user
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/approve-organization
[PUT] /validation/{validationId}/reject-organization
credential_profile_ids : ['String'] <- newly added
DigiCert® version: 1.5118.10 | Document Trust Manager: 1.537.0
Document Trust Manager now allows enabling or disabling CertCentral products.
New self-enrollment onboarding flow where signer can be onboarded with one of the enabled products. CertCentral products currently supported from DTM include:
Qualified Electronic Signature for Individual
Qualified Electronic Signature for Individual in organization
Qualified Electronic Seal PKIoverheid
Qualified Organization Person PKIoverheid
Qualified Private Person PKIoverheid
Qualified Organization Person Professional
PKIoverheid Qualified Private Person
Professional PKIoverheid Qualified Burger
PKIoverheid Qualified Organization Services
DigiCert® version: 1.5118.8 | Document Trust Manager: 1.535.0
SealSign 2.0 client released for Linux.
Added support for German language in email and Document Trust Manager UI. Also fixed language translations in Self Enrollment Portal.
Fixed an issue where the common name (CN) field doesn't get auto populated for DC1 users when title field is present.
Fixed Create validation page to show system level and account level profiles for system user. Also, users can now create a validation profile without a credential profile.
DigiCert® version: 1.5118.6 | Document Trust Manager: 1.519.0
Document Trust Manager now supports country code XK (Kosovo).
DigiCert® version: 1.5118.3 | Document Trust Manager: 1.519.0
Create credential and Create validation pages work only with account-level credential and validation profiles for account users.
DigiCert® version: 1.4957.4 | Document Trust Manager: 1.517.0
Updated true-Sign V 64-bit to include legacy keyon functionality.
Updated the URLs on the Terms and Conditions page to correct location for EU and Swiss environments.
Extended migration endpoints to start and get status responses with fields for QR code, engine user ID and RAS URL to populate front end with correct information.
Extended migration endpoints to start and get status responses with identifier for automigration.
Changed message text for migration in audit logs.
For cancelled validation that doesn't have a vetting data zip file, status is updated to rejected.
DigiCert® version: 1.4957.3 | Document Trust Manager: 1.510.0
Added an enhancement to convert the validation date to UTC on the validation approval page.
Validation status is updated to “rejected” when Intrum cancels the user's IDnow validation and prevents data download.
Fixed access issues with CSC API having account ID in the URL.
DigiCert® version: 1.4957.2 | Document Trust Manager: 1.502.0
Added feature flag feature.unique.global.credential.id.enabled
to ensure that returned credential IDs are unique in the csc/credential/list
API. When enabled, Document Trust Manager returns unique credential IDs in <existing-credential-id>_<friendly-identifier>
Released new version of SealSign 2.0 Client (1.0.4). The new version introduces new enhancements:
Added new configurations for multiple users:
Each user configuration will have unique combination of credential ID and API key.
Signing authorization request will be sent to all users configured in user configuration. The credentials of the first user that authorizes a signing request will be used to sign subsequent PDFs.
Added error message if authorization credential requests time out.
Added support for signing password-protected PDFs as an optional setting in the configuration.
Updated validation profile creation page to display only eSeal credential profile when "Organization details required" policy is enabled.
Added missing expiry dates for all approved validations in validation listing page.
Fixed translation issues in inline onboarding flow.
Fixed last invite sent and invitation counts for validations created from inline onboarding flow.
Fixed null key value in credential profiles created using Document Signing Engine with SAM profile for EC keys.
DigiCert® version: 1.4803.2 | Document Trust Manager: 1.474.0
Released new version of SealSign 2.0 Client (v1.0.3). The new version introduces new configurations:
Number of credential authorization requests which could be sent in a particular time intervals.
Authorization message which is displayed on Go>Sign mobile app.
Configurations introduced in this release (Refer to Readme.txt
in installation folder for descriptions):
Removed language selection dropdown from onboarding steps in inline flow. This is a temporary adjustment. Language selection will return once translated content is available.
On the Client Tool Repository page, the whole card is now clickable instead of just the tool name.
Added an option to copy credential nickname in credential listing.
Changed default profile help text on validation profile page.
Added missing footer text in "Activate your digital ID" email.
DigiCert® version: 1.4803.1 | Document Trust Manager: 1.468.0
Made additional enhancements to inline signer onboarding flows and emails.
Vetting data will be pulled and made available in an archive for those validations that had remote identity verification cancelled.
DigiCert® version: 1.4803.0 | Document Trust Manager: 1.463.0
Added support for multiple signing providers.
Improved onboarding experience for signers onboarded using the self-enrollment portal. Once the signer's identity is verified, selecting "Go to dashboard" will take the user to the dashboard.
Content changed in approved screen for external signer onboarding.
Fixed broken signing hub user creation flow.
Updated table width on all pages.
Removed “create credential” button in validation widget for those users who already have a credential.
Fixed UI with subjectDN Option label for ADSS and DSS.
Added toast message when validation is invalidated.
Individual revocation of credentials created with ADSS is now allowed.
DigiCert® version: 1.4672.7 | Document Trust Manager: 1.453.0
For eSeal certificates, the following subject attributes values have been changed.
Common name (CN) will be organization name instead of individual full name.
Country (C) will be organization country instead of individual nationality or manually overridden value while approving validations by admin.
Locality (L) will be organization city or manually overridden value while approving validations by admin.
State (S) will be organization state or manually overridden value while approving validations by admin.
Added OI (‘Organization Identifier’) attribute to legal person certificates.
Added standard
response for documentmanager/api/v1/credentials/list API.
Old response:
GET {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v1/credentials/list
New response:
GET {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v1/credentials/list
Fixed permission issues in self-enrolment user flow during signer approval state. “Create validation” permission is no longer needed to approve SEP validations.
Fixed spacing issues in “Review validation request” email template.
Updated links in user emails and onboarding UI.
Fixed UI crash issue on “Credential profile details” page when subjectDN attribute contained GN.
Added validation for account_id in onboarding support form.
Fixed signing of annotated PDF when y-coordinate=0.
Removed snake case fix in parameters for creating credential API which was introduced in the February 8, 2023 release. The V1 API is reverted back to the previous request structure.
1 POST {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v1/credential
2 {
3 "profileId" : "ab0e2d7d-3240-4639-bc6b-6d7fa5d0af7b",
4 "reuseExistingSecret" : false,
5 "label" : "mobile_optional_1",
6 "account" : {
7 "id" : "796fc0cb-d293-43cf-b7d8-3543f2110f78"
8 },
9 "is_terms_accepted" : true,
10 "terms_id" : "9a2e394d-0cd3-11ed-bcbf-6a5fb046c77c",
11 "mobile" : "123"
12 }
Added new V2 API for creating credentials with the below request parameter:
1 POST {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v2/credential
2 {
3 "profile_id" : "ab0e2d7d-3240-4639-bc6b-6d7fa5d0af7b",
4 "reuse_existing_secret" : false
5 "label" : "mobile_optional_1",
6 "account" : {
7 "id" : "796fc0cb-d293-43cf-b7d8-3543f2110f78"
8 },
9 "is_terms_accepted" : true,
10 "terms_id" : "9a2e394d-0cd3-11ed-bcbf-6a5fb046c77c",
11 "mobile" : "123"
12 }
true-Sign V client for Windows integrates with Document Trust Manager to create signatures and sign documents.
Added true-Sign V to the resources page.
Redesigned onboarding experience for users.
Added support form to send questions directly to the validation team.
Updated email templates.
Simplified text in all inline onboarding pages.
Updated all text, references, icons, and logos from Document Signing Manager to Document Trust Manager (or DSM to DTM where applicable).
Updated vendor names as follows:
Digicert ONE - Document Signing Engine → Document Signing Service
Document Signing Engine SAM → Digicert ONE - Document Signing Engine
Updated platform config keys for signing engine configuration JSONS as follows:
signing.engine.dse.configuration → signing.engine.dss.configuration
signing.engine.sam.configuration → signing.engine.dse.configuration
Made extensive health check response key changes for signing engines as follows:
dse_signing_engine → dss_signing_engine
Updated support delegated authentication flows to improve credential issuance
Existing JSON object keys will change as follows:
Note: The above changes were made in profile_key_type
column of certificate_profile table.
SAM related configuration from keys ‘dcone.documentmanager.sam.baseUrl' and ‘dcone.documentmanager.sam.apiKey’ moved to new signing engine JSON configuration key and can be found under Signing.engine group 'signing.engine.dse.configuration’.
SAM engine configuration JSON (all fields are required):
[ { "name": "Dcone DSE", "base_url": "https://dcone.cluster.local/documentengine/api/v1", "api_key": "012fdbc92dbb1a190bc8da487d_3f62fa7f47df5aafebc5be66dd406d1362f42febe372e522696fd8f3737fce73" } ]
Added SAM (old name) signing engine to health extensive endpoints.
Improved user selection component to load users gradually in create validation page.
Changed DTM UI and backend to use new signing_engine_config_nickname while creating/viewing signing providers.
Changed signing engine JSON structure to have unique name instead of unique base_url(s) in manager settings for config keys signing.engine.dse.configuration, signing.engine.dss.configuration and signing.engine.ascertia.configuration.
Send ‘signing_engine_config_nickname’ in API request while creating signing provider from DTM UI
Fetching ‘name' field from signing engine JSON platform configuration to populate 'signing_engine_config_nickname’ in create signing provider request.
UI will add name in brackets if there are duplicate URLs to identify JSON. Example:
Used 'signing_engine_config_nickname' to fetch JSON object from signing engine JSON array.
Send signing engine config nickname while creating signing provider.
Use signing engine config nickname to fetch JSON object from signing engine JSON array.
Updated signing engine JSON objects to have unique name instead of base_url.
Added new column 'signing_engine_config_nickname' to vendor table.
Added new column value 'name’ to fill ‘signing_engine_config_nickname' from signing engine JSON. Signing engine JSON objects have ‘name' as a unique field instead of 'base_url’. Duplicate base_urls now exist.
Blocked editing of 'name' field of existing JSON object in array.
Changed names of DSS and DSE signing engine JSON objects as follows:
Dcone DSE→ DS
Replaced ‘base_url' field with 'signing_engine_config_nickname’ in response object of credential profile details GET API (/documentmanager/api/v1/setup/profile/{id}):
Old response:
{ "certificate_profile": { "created_on": "2023-01-04T04:08:26Z", "id": "07079de3-6482-4e82-baf1-3d1813512034", "name": "ADSS-new-credential_profile-AATL-006", "certificate_profile_type": "advanced+", "adss_certificate_profile_id": "adss:certification:profile:006", "subject_dn": "COMMON_NAME, SERIAL_NUMBER, COUNTRY_OF_NATIONALITY, GIVEN_NAME, SURNAME", "validity": "31536000000", "terms_id": "2191f36d-859a-11ed-8680-a69ef0fbab90", "terms_and_conditions": "" }, "vendor_name": "Ascertia Signing Engine", "vendor_id": "3067c517-e55e-463f-955c-d4c541aa2bc8", "base_url": "https://demo.signingportal.com", "account_id": "67c961b1-94ff-4439-88fb-d629a3bb0460" }
New response: new field 'signing_engine_config_nickname' added:
{ "certificate_profile": { "created_on": "2023-01-04T04:08:26Z", "id": "07079de3-6482-4e82-baf1-3d1813512034", "name": "ADSS-new-credential_profile-AATL-006", "certificate_profile_type": "advanced+", "adss_certificate_profile_id": "adss:certification:profile:006", "subject_dn": "COMMON_NAME, SERIAL_NUMBER, COUNTRY_OF_NATIONALITY, GIVEN_NAME, SURNAME", "validity": "31536000000", "terms_id": "2191f36d-859a-11ed-8680-a69ef0fbab90", "terms_and_conditions": "" }, "vendor_name": "Ascertia Signing Engine", "vendor_id": "3067c517-e55e-463f-955c-d4c541aa2bc8", "signing_engine_config_nickname": "ADSS", "account_id": "67c961b1-94ff-4439-88fb-d629a3bb0460" }
Extensive health check response key changes for signing engines as follows: dse_signing_engine → dss_signing_engine
Correct profession spelling for Accountant–Administratieconsulent.
Allow disabling validation profile when the product name is not set in the validation profile.
Fixed filtering by end date in all pages in DTM. The end date will be considered end of the day (example: 08 Feb 2023 23:59:59).
Fixed snake case in parameters for creating credential API. Request body changed as follows:
Param changes: reuseExistingSecret => reuse_existing_secret profileId => profile_id
Old request:
POST {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v1/credential { "profileId" : "ab0e2d7d-3240-4639-bc6b-6d7fa5d0af7b", "reuseExistingSecret" : false, "label" : "mobile_optional_1", "account" : { "id" : "796fc0cb-d293-43cf-b7d8-3543f2110f78" }, "is_terms_accepted" : true, "terms_id" : "9a2e394d-0cd3-11ed-bcbf-6a5fb046c77c", "mobile" : "123" }
New request:
POST {base_url}/documentmanager/api/v1/credential { "profile_id" : "ab0e2d7d-3240-4639-bc6b-6d7fa5d0af7b", "reuse_existing_secret" : false "label" : "mobile_optional_1", "account" : { "id" : "796fc0cb-d293-43cf-b7d8-3543f2110f78" }, "is_terms_accepted" : true, "terms_id" : "9a2e394d-0cd3-11ed-bcbf-6a5fb046c77c", "mobile" : "123" }
CSC APIs, Authorize and ExtendTransaction will have expiresIn field in Integer as specified in CSC documentation.
Fixed signing PDFs with annotations in document workflow.
Changed link to configure authenticator in TOTP email from DTM.
Fixed permission issues to allow users with
permission to approve organization.Fixed snake case for create credential API.
Fixed date of reminder calculation. Bug appeared only for daylight saving time zones. Made the reminder universal to work in any time zone.
Users have to use same Account ID for validation and approval of validations.
Added redirect to proper error page if client_id tool page doesn't exist.
Fixed column size of platform_config.config_value issue.
Removed ‘vendor_id’ from certificate_template entity.
Added Degraded as a status in health check response.
Added support for reminder counter and date of the last reminder for validations.
Added support in the product for each validation profile which will be used in the email templates during validation.
Added new email templates for initial invites and reminders for validation.
Allows the signer to initiate their own validation and view its status.
To support SCAL1 bulk signings, added SCAL1 online and offline SAM profiles in manager settings.
Introduced extended transaction functionality so ADSS can be used for SealSign.
The CSC info API returns the new OAuth URL in both V0 and V1 implementation.
SealSign client 2.0 for Windows available for eseal signing. This client allows bulk signing with eseal certificates.
Added the new platform config with the key
. You need to set this config withSealSign 2.0 Client - 64 bit,SealSign 2.0 Client - 32 bit
value to get client tools on download page.
New interactive onboarding flow for self-enrollment portal users.
Consolidated ADSS and DSE signing engine platform configurations into JSON configurations
, which are used from now on.Once deployed, these configurations are added to the database by migration scripts. These scripts use existing ADSS and DSE configs to populate the JSON.
ADSS configuration JSON (optional fields:
)[ { "name": "ADSS-1", "base_url": "https://demo.signingportal.eu", "client_id": "DSM_stage", "client_secret": <client_secret>, "ras_profile_list": "adss:ras:profile:012", "certificate_profile_list": "advanced+=adss:certification:profile:020,adss:certification:profile:021;qualified=adss:certification:profile:022,adss:certification:profile:024", "port": "8778", "mobile_url": "http://demo.signingportal.eu/adss/service/ras", "certificate_approval_duration": "86400" } ]
DSE configuration JSON (optional fields
rsa2048_offline, rsa2048_online, rsa2048_scal1_offline, rsa2048_scal1_online, trustlink_p12_path, trustlink_p12_passphrase, mpki8_p12_path, mpki8_p12_passphrase
)[ { "name": "DSE-1", "base_url": <base_url>, "client_id": <client_id>, "client_secret": <client_secret>, "rsa2048_offline" : "mrVHCDWuVz", "rsa2048_online" : "_rjx1xDUbx", "rsa2048_scal1_offline" : "mrVHCDWuVz", "rsa2048_scal1_online" : "_rjx1xDUbx", "trustlink_p12_path": "<path>.p12", "trustlink_p12_passphrase": <passphrase>", "mpki8_p12_path": "<path>.p12", "mpki8_p12_passphrase": <passphrase> } ]
If optional JSON fields are not present in the database, those key/value pairs will not be available in JSON. For example, the port key/value pair might be absent in ADSS JSON.
If mandatory fields are not present in database, those key/value pairs will contain an empty string. For example, if empty, the client_id may return as
"client_id" : ""
column data incertificate_profile
table is updated as follows:1dse.rsa.2048.online
Endpoint: GET /documentmanager/api/v1/setup/profile/{id}
Old response:
"certificate_profile": {
"created_on": "2023-01-04T04:08:26Z",
"id": "07079de3-6482-4e82-baf1-3d1813512034",
"name": "ADSS-new-credential_profile-AATL-006",
"certificate_profile_type": "advanced+",
"adss_certificate_profile_id": "adss:certification:profile:006",
"validity": "31536000000",
"terms_id": "2191f36d-859a-11ed-8680-a69ef0fbab90",
"terms_and_conditions": ""
"vendor_name": "Ascertia Signing Engine",
"vendor_id": "3067c517-e55e-463f-955c-d4c541aa2bc8",
"account_id": "67c961b1-94ff-4439-88fb-d629a3bb0460"
New response with base_url
"certificate_profile": {
"created_on": "2023-01-04T04:08:26Z",
"id": "07079de3-6482-4e82-baf1-3d1813512034",
"name": "ADSS-new-credential_profile-AATL-006",
"certificate_profile_type": "advanced+",
"adss_certificate_profile_id": "adss:certification:profile:006",
"validity": "31536000000",
"terms_id": "2191f36d-859a-11ed-8680-a69ef0fbab90",
"terms_and_conditions": ""
"vendor_name": "Ascertia Signing Engine",
"vendor_id": "3067c517-e55e-463f-955c-d4c541aa2bc8",
"base_url": "https://demo.signingportal.com",
"account_id": "67c961b1-94ff-4439-88fb-d629a3bb0460"
Fixed profession validation date formatting.
Fixed permissions for approve and reject RA validation.
Fixed an issue where the audit log table crashed if the
actions were used.Fixed notary approval issue on approve validation page.
Fixed error response for constraint errors to read message defined in config instead of general message. Affected APIs and their fields:
Paging parameters for all list endpoints.
Wrong binding remains associated with the old message, general error returned :
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Invalid parameter, limit >= 1 are allowed." }
Wrong constraint, new error, message is read from config error files.
{ "error": "invalid_request", "error_description": "Invalid parameter, limit >= 1 are allowed." }
Fixed a create validation button on dashboard validation widget.