To see details and results for existing network scans, select the scan by name from the Discovery & automation tools > Network scans page in DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager.
Verify the scan details in the following information sections:
Scan results: The number of discovered assets and TLS/SSL issues.
Scan activity: Current, past, and upcoming scans details such as start time, duration, scan status, and actions.
General information and Scan targets: General scan settings and network targets.
Scan options and Schedule: Discovery and scan schedule settings.
In the Scan results section of the scan details:
View the findings for completed scans, including discovered certificates, unsecured ports, and any trust chain issues.
To investigate further, select the discovered counts to load and manage the applicable records from the Inventory page.
Your account dashboard also includes data about cryptographic assets and security ratings discovered through network scans.
To learn more, see Account dashboard.