Create release commands begin with:
smctl release create
smctl rel add
smctl rel new
Create release commands support these subcommands:
Subcommands | Description |
offline | Create an offline keypair release with specified options. |
online | Create an approved online keypair release with specified options. |
test | Create an approved test keypair release with specified options. |
Create release commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flags | Description |
-g | --group string | Groups for this release window. Format: --group="<value>" |
--account-id string | Account ID for the user. Format: --account-id="<value>" | |
-h | --help | Help for creating a release. |
Description: Create an offline release with the specified keypair IDs from and to the start and end time and date.
smctl release create offline <release-name> <local-start-time> <local-end-time> <offline-keypair-ids-separated-by-commas>
Command sample:
smctl release create offline offline-release 05-February-2021T10:30 10-February-2021T15:00 d013f485-2851-43c5-b734-5f597d9abe62,aae21e7d-31e9-4cc0-89fa-63b323a64a56