Create a signup link
A signup link allows an administrator in DigiCert® Document Trust Manager to invite potential signers and get their validation process started.
Copy and paste the resulting link into invitation emails and send it to potential signers. This is especially convenient when you and the signers work for different organizations.
Create a link
In DigiCert ONE®, in the Manager menu (grid at top right), select Document Trust.
In the DigiCert® Document Trust Manager menu, select Validations > Signup links.
On the Signup links page, select Create signup link.
On the Create signup link page, fill in the create signup link form:
Tabela 1. Signup link formNickname
Enter a distinct and recognizable name so you can easily identify the link. For example, identify the link by including country or language.
Validation profile
Select the validation profile to be associated with the signer.
Enter the validity of the signup link. There are no restrictions on link validity.
Select Auto approve signer to skip manual administrator approval for defined email domains or in general.
You are required to manually approve the signer if you do not select the Auto approve signer checkbox. See Approve manual validation request.
Select Enable signer notes to add your notes for the signer on the resulting signup link form.
Select signer’s country to set the default country calling code on the signup link form. Signer has the ability to overwrite this field.
Select the desired signup link form language.
Select or enter department reporting tag.
Select or enter organization reporting tag.
Select Create signup link. You may copy and paste the resulting link into invitation emails to potential document signers.
To customize this form for your organization, contact support.