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Certificate profiles


This feature is available from version 1.2.0.

After signing in to DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Assistant, Certificate profiles will appear in the navigation menu on the left side of the dashboard. Clicking this option will display your assigned certificate profiles in the context pane on the right. You can view profile information, see all certificates issued from that profile, and perform manual enrollment and renewal.

Sync profile

Click the Sync profiles button at the top left to update certificate profiles with the latest information from the backend server. Any changes made to the certificate profile by your admin will be synced. If the profile is already up-to-date, this operation is not necessary. Check the Last synced timestamp above the Sync profiles button to verify if the profile is current.


Certificate profiles are automatically synced regularly in the background.

Certificate profiles table

The table provides information about each profile.

Renew status column:

  • No action: No renewable certificate is available on the machine for this profile.

  • Can renew: A renewable certificate is available on the machine for this profile. It will be renewed automatically during the next background action for auto-configured profiles. You can also renew it manually from the Issued certificates pane, regardless of whether the profile is auto-configured.

# of Issued Certificates Column: This column shows the total number of certificates issued from that profile. Clicking the number will open the Issued certificates pane with the current context.

Quick actions

Click the three-dot menu under the first column to open the Quick actions menu.

  • Details: Opens the Certificate profile details dialog.

  • Enroll certificate: Opens the Enrollment window for manual enrollment. See Manual certificate enrollment and renewal for details.

  • View issued certificates: Displays the Issued certificates pane in the current context. This is the same as clicking the number in the # of Issued certificates column.

Certificate profile details

The modal dialog displays details of the certificate profile, organized into expandable accordion sections. Click the arrow next to each section to view its details.

  • General information: Provides general information about the profile, such as profile name and profile version (profile version corresponds to DigiCert Trust Assistant version, where the version of the application needs to equal or be greater than the profile version for it to be compatible).

  • Account: Displays account information.

  • Policy: Shows profile policy details, such as allowed key stores, auto-enrollment settings, duplicate certificate allowances, key escrow, and configured post-processing scripts.

  • Certificate format: Displays the structure of the resulting certificate.

Additional information will be available when Advanced mode is enabled.