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CA Manager


OCSP Responder support

  • CA Manager now supports OCSP responder management

  • Response validity and frequency, as well as responder generation validity and frequency can be configured along with signing method and fallback

  • Response and responders can be configured as system defaults as well as CA-specific settings.

  • Responders can be created online or imported, as well as managed individually in the new OCSP Responder menu item.


  • Both OCSP and CRL defaults now include the option to modify the Cache Control Header for origin settings

  • OCSP defaults now supports response and responder generation settings

  • CRL defaults now support generation settings

Notes in CA Detail pages

  • You can now enter notes on the detail pages of CA, with timestamp and user tracking.

HSM management

  • Keyper HSMs are now supported

  • HSM partitions may now be configured for specific allowed uses to better control access

Multi Use Domains: Originally any added domain could only be used for a single purpose (like OCSP, or CRL URLs), now domains maybe used for multiple cases.


  • Fixed some instances where downloads were not using the proper extensions

  • Fixed instances where some dropdown menus were not properly filtering the account or relevant source CAs

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