Once the DigiCert Trust Assistant completes the certificate enrollment and renewal operations, it is essential to integrate your applications to consume these certificates effectively.
Using post-processing scripts to manage integrations has the following benefits:
Automate the post-certificate installation tasks.
Simplify the certificate configuration process for the end users.
Ensure that the certificates are configured correctly for secure and seamless use.
Saves time, reduces errors, and enhances the overall security of the system.
These post-processing scripts, sometimes called post-scripts, contain the necessary logic for the application, allowing them to utilize the target certificate seamlessly.
For a successful execution of the post-processing script on the end user's computer, ensure the following:
The root CA is added to Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
The complete certificate chain validation is established. This includes valid AIA, CDP, OCSP, and CRL extensions for end-entity and CA certificates.
If using a third-party platform for device management, ensure that the PowerShell execution policy on Windows client computers is set to