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View discovered assets

Go to the Inventory and Dashboard pages in DigiCert​​®​​ Trust Lifecycle Manager to access your system scan results and view the discovered cryptographic assets and their security ratings.

Inventory views

The following system views include assets discovered through system scans.

System view


All certificates

All certificates in your Trust Lifecycle Manager account, including those found through system scans.


Certificates found and added to your Trust Lifecycle Manager account through discovery functions including system scans, network scans, and background discovery processes.


Public and private keys found through system scans.

To load one of these system views:

  1. Select Inventory from the Trust Lifecycle Manager main menu.

  2. Open the Views dropdown above the inventory table.

  3. Select one of the above views under System Views.

Filter inventory data

Use the following fields to filter the inventory table for assets discovered through system scans:

  • Source: Select System scan to list only those assets found through system scans.

  • Business unit: If you assigned a specific business unit to a system scan, you can filter the discovered assets by the business unit name.

  • Tags: If you applied tags to a system scan, you can filter the discovered assets by the tag names.

  • Security ratings: View and filter by the security ratings calculated for your discovered assets.

To view these inventory fields and apply filters:

  • Select the table settings icon on the top-right of the table and select Add columns to control which fields are included.

  • Use the filter icons next to the column headers to filter by different values.


After applying custom filters, select Manage view from the inventory sidebar to save the current view.

View certificate details

On the Trust Lifecycle Manager Inventory page, open one of the certificate views and apply filter as needed to list certificates discovered through system scans.

Select a certificate by its common name to display the details for it, including data from system scans found under the following tabs.

Details tab



Certificate properties and deployment details, including the hostname and file path where it was found.


The security rating calculated for the discovered certificate. Select the rating link to see the details for how it was calculated.

Additional details

How and when the certificate was first discovered and when it was last seen.

View key details

On the Trust Lifecycle Manager Inventory page, open the Keys system view to see all the keys discovered through system scans.

The default keys view shows the characteristics and filesystem locations of all your cryptographic keys. Select a key by its fingerprint value to see additional details.


Password-protected certificates within the Java Keystore are not discovered during system scans. Instead, only the keystore name where the key is stored is displayed in the Keys system view. Unprotected certificates are discovered through system scans.

Dashboard data

Your account dashboard includes data about cryptographic assets and security ratings discovered through system scans.

Relevant dashboard widgets include:

  • Certificates expired or expiring

  • Certificates by CA vendor

  • Certificates issues

  • Certificates security ratings

The dashboard widgets have shortcut actions to help you manage the applicable assets.

To learn more, see Account dashboard.

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