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Session-based environment variables for AIX

Using session-based environment variables means that you are required to set DigiCert ONE host, API key, and client authentication certificate path and password every time you open a new command line session.

Configure session-based environment variables

  1. Open the Terminal application.

  2. To configure session-based environment variables, run:

    export SM_API_KEY=<API key> 
    export SM_HOST=<host URL>
    export SM_CLIENT_CERT_FILE=<P12 client authentication certificate file path>
    export SM_CLIENT_CERT_PASSWORD=<P12 client authentication certificate password>

Proxy configuration

Configure the HTTPS_PROXY environment variable if the client tool need to communicate through a proxy.

Anonymous proxy

Use this command if your proxy does not require authentication:

export HTTPS_PROXY=https://<proxy_host>:<proxy_port>

Authenticated proxy

Use this command if your proxy requires authentication:

export HTTPS_PROXY=https://user:password@<proxy_host>:<proxy_port> 
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