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Update your SSO with SAML configuration

You can update your IdP metadata, download DigiCert metadata, or upload a new SAML certificate.

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Navigate to the Manager menu icon (top-right), select Account.

  3. In the left navigation menu, select Accounts.

  4. On the Accounts page, select the Name of the account.

  5. On the Account details page, in the Sign-in settings for all-account-access users section, select the Single sign-on (SSO) pencil (edit icon).

  6. To update your IDP metadata:

    1. In the Upload your identity provider (IDP) metadata section, select Re-upload IDP metadata to upload a new version of your IDP metadata to DigiCert ONE.

    2. Under IdP metadata details, verify your IdP URL.

  7. Upload a new SAML certificate:

    Under SAML Certificate details, you will see the certificates Common Name, Expiry Date, and Thumbprint (SHA256).

    As needed, you can upload a new SAML certificate to DigiCert ONE. For example, you will want to upload a new SAML certificate before the existing one expires.

  8. Collect DigiCert metadata for your IdP:

    In the Download DigiCert metadata section, copy the DigiCert metadata to configure in your IDP service (step 10).

    1. SSO URL

      Copy the SSO URL and add it to your IdP to help make the SSO connection.

    2. XML file

      Select Download DigiCert metadata, download the DigiCert XML formatted metadata file, and add it to your IdP.

  9. Select Save.

  10. Configure your IdP service


    Your SSO integration will not work until you add the DigiCert metadata to your IdP.

    1. Configure your IDP service with the metadata collected in step 8.

    2. Make sure authentication from your IdP signs both the response and the assertion.


      Signing SAML response is optional.

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