Use this command to list all software scans. This command is useful to identify the following information of multiple scans:
Scan ID
Scan alias
Project alias that the scan is associated with
Name of the file that was scanned
Version of the file that was scanned
Scan status
Scan tool used
To list all scans, use the command:
smctl scan list
smctl sc ls <scan ID>
Describe scan commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
| --page int | Page number. Default is -1, which lists all pages. |
--size int | Page size. Default page size is 100. | |
-h | --help | Help for describing a scan. |
Description: If you had 10 scans, use this command to list your scans across 5 pages, with 2 scans on each page.
smctl scan list --page <number of pages to list> --size <number of scans to list per page>
Command sample
smctl scan list --page 5 --size 2
Command output
Scan ID Scan Alias Project File Name Version Scan Status Tool Used
4593741b-d710 windows-sc1 Alpha windows-mvp 1.0.0 PASS REVERSINGLABS
a989ca8e-a064 linux-sc1 Bravo linux-mvp 1.0.0 FAIL REVERSINGLABS