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List scans

Use this command to list all software scans. This command is useful to identify the following information of multiple scans:

  • Scan ID

  • Scan alias

  • Project alias that the scan is associated with

  • Name of the file that was scanned

  • Version of the file that was scanned

  • Scan status

  • Scan tool used


To list all scans, use the command:

smctl scan list


smctl sc ls <scan ID>


Describe scan commands support these flags:

Tabela 1. Flags for describing a keypair





--page int

Page number. Default is -1, which lists all pages.

--size int

Page size. Default page size is 100.



Help for describing a scan.


Description: If you had 10 scans, use this command to list your scans across 5 pages, with 2 scans on each page.


smctl scan list --page <number of pages to list> --size <number of scans to list per page>

Command sample

smctl scan list --page 5 --size 2

Command output

Scan ID        Scan Alias   Project  File Name    Version  Scan Status  Tool Used
4593741b-d710  windows-sc1  Alpha    windows-mvp  1.0.0    PASS         REVERSINGLABS
a989ca8e-a064  linux-sc1    Bravo    linux-mvp    1.0.0    FAIL         REVERSINGLABS
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