Use this command to identify the following information about a specific scan:
Scan ID
Scan alias
Project alias that the scan is associated with
Name of the file that was scanned
Version of the file that was scanned
Checksum Type
Scan status
Scan tool used
Describe a scan by providing scan ID.
To describe a scan, use the command:
smctl scan describe <scan ID>
smctl sc desc <scan ID>
Describe scan commands support these flags:
Shortcut | Flag | Description |
-v | --verbose | Include rl-json in output. |
-h | --help | Help for describing a scan. |
Description: Describe the scan for the provided scan ID.
smctl scan describe <scan id>
Command sample:
smctl scan desc 456241b-d710-4bae-a103-aa5c1d900b5d
Output sample:
Scan ID: 456241b-d710-4bae-a103-aa5c1d900b5d
Scan alias: MVP
Scan project alias: MVP-project
File name:
Version: 1.0.0
Checksum: 5bcca4aa4551b5159ffeef2c7aac28740d30f7f6
Checksum Type: SHA1
Scan status: PASS
Scan tool: ReversingLabs
Deleted: NO