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Enable client certificate authentication

Enabling Client certificate authentication will make this sign-method available to all users in your account. If another sign-in method is also enabled, users can choose which method to use.


To perform this action, you must have a user role that contains the Manage accounts permission.

To enable client certificate authentication

  1. Sign in to DigiCert ONE.

  2. Navigate to the Manager menu icon (top-right), select Account.

  3. In the left navigation menu, select Accounts.

  4. On the Accounts page, select the Name of the account.

  5. On the Account details page, in the Sign-in settings for all-account-access users section, select the pencil (edit icon) next to Client authentication certificate.

  6. Select the radio button next to Enable client authentication certificate.

  7. In the How are client credentials authenticated? field, select Let DigiCert ONE handle authentication.

  8. In the Select a keystore field, select one of the following methods.



    Operating system keystore

    Uses the native keystore of your operating system (e.g., Windows or macOS). It integrates seamlessly with the OS for managing client certificates.

    DigiCert software keystore

    A DigiCert-provided software keystore that securely stores client certificates for authentication within DigiCert ONE.

    Hardware token

    A physical hardware device (e.g., a USB token) used for secure certificate storage and client authentication.


    This method requires sign-in via a FireFox browser.

  9. Select Update client authentication certificate sign-in.

  10. Users in your account will receive an email informing them of the new sign-in method.

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