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EU Qualified PSD2 products


Important: An authorized representative may be required

When requesting the PSD2 certificates below, you must provide the details for an authorized representative. The authorized representative must approve every certificate request. The authorized representative must be mentioned in an official trade register as solely authorized.

If the authorized representative is not solely authorized but authorized with another authorized representative, you may provide us with a ‘Power of Attorney.’ You may also choose to provide a ‘Power of Attorney’ if the authorized representative wants to give a proxy to someone else. That way, this person may be selected as an authorized representative in your orders, and they will be able to approve certificate requests. See Power of Attorney.

EU Qualified PSD2 certificates

Once you have created your CertCentral EU account, you request a certificate and track the status of the request along with contact information if support is needed.

  • EU Qualified eSeal (Electronic Seal)

    This certificate is issued to a legal entity, such as a business or organization, that meets the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) requirements to apply tamper-proof digital stamp and to identify banks and payment service providers (PSPs), verify the roles for which they are licensed, and provide tamperproof seals on data or transactions.

    To order your EU Qualified eSeal PSD2 certificate visit our Compare Solutions for PSD2 Compliance page.

  • EU Qualified Website Authentication Certificate (PSD2)

    This certificate is issued to an organisation for website authentication that meets the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) requirements and can be used for websites that require end-to-end encryption and authentication to identify banks and payment service providers (PSPs), verify the roles for which they are licensed, encrypt website traffic, and identify who controls the domain.

    To order your EU Qualified Website Authentication Certificate PSD2 visit our Compare Solutions for PSD2 Compliance page.

For more information about requesting each of the mentioned products above from your CertCentral Europe account, visit our EU (eIDAS) products page.

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