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Before you begin

  • Order requirements

    You can only update the CSR on pending certificate orders. Once your certificate is issued, you are restricted to viewing the CSR used to generate the certificate.

  • CSR Requirements

    For your certificates to remain secure, they must use a 2048-bit or larger key size. Learn how to Create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

    DigiCert TLS and Secure Email certificates support the following algorithms and key lengths:

    • RSA 2048, 3072, and 4096

    • ECC p-256 and p-384

  • Secure Email certificate requirements

    You can only update the CSR on a pending Secure Email certificate order if you provided a CSR when you submitted the order. If you opted to provide the CSR later, there is no CSR to update. You must wait until we send the email with a link to generate the CSR and Secure Email certificate via the browser.

Update the CSR on your pending TLS or Secure Email certificate order

  1. CertCentralアカウントで、証明書の[オーダー番号]詳細ページにアクセスします。

  2. On the Orders page, in the Order # column, select the order number link for the pending certificate order.

  3. [オーダー詳細]ページの[オーダーステータス]セクションにある[お客様は次を実行する必要があります]で、[CSRを変更する]リンクをクリックします。

  4. 新しいCSRを追加するには、[CSRをアップロードする]ウィンドウでCSRをアップロードするか、[CSRを追加]ボックスにCSRを貼り付けます。

    When copying the text from the CSR file, make sure to include the -----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- and -----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- tags.

  5. [アップロードする]をクリックします。

What's next

You successfully updated the CSR on your pending certificate order. We will use the public key from the new CSR to generate your certificate.
