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DigiCert KeyLocker

Secure your private keys for code signing

[en] DigiCert​​®​​ KeyLocker is a cloud‐based solution that generates and provides FIPS 140-2 level 2 compliant private key storage for your code signing certificates. DigiCert​​®​​ KeyLocker is an automated alternative to manually generating and storing your private key on a hardware token that can be lost or stolen or purchasing a hardware security module (HSM) and it storing on-premises. Cloud storage provides the additional benefit of allowing you to access your private key at any time and sign from anywhere.


How to access KeyLocker?

Order a code signing certificate from CertCentral and select KeyLocker as the provisioning method. This automatically creates a DigiCert ONE account for you with KeyLocker enabled. Thereafter, you can access DigiCert® KeyLocker by signing in to DigiCert ONE.
