Email to DNS TXT contact
Constructed email
WHOIS-based email
End of life for the WHOIS-based Email
On May 8, 2025, DigiCert will end support for the WHOIS-based DCV email method. DigiCert systems will stop querying WHOIS entirely to find email addresses for domain validations.
What should I do?
DigiCert recommends updating your domain validation processes to use one of the other supported DCV methods as soon as possible. If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use DNS TXT record email contact or Constructed email. To learn more, see our knowledge base article, End of life for WHOIS-based DCV methods.
DNS TXT連絡先へのEメール
この検証方式では、デジサートがWHOISベースのEメール、構築されたEメール、およびDNS TXTベースのEメールの3通りのDCVメールを送信します。
Note: DigiCert sends this email from no-reply@digitalcertvalidation.com. If using allowlist, make sure to include digitalcertvalidation.com.
For the email to DNS TXT contact DCV method, DigiCert sends an authorization email to the email addresses found in the DNS TXT record on the _validation-contactemail
subdomain of the domain you are validating. When validating a domain, make sure to select the Verification email DCV method.
基本要件付録のセクションB.2.1「TXT Record Email Contact」を参照してください。
Place the DNS TXT record on the
subdomain of the domain you want to validate. The RDATA value of this text record must be a valid email address.名前
DigiCert recommends adding a distribution list rather than a personal email address. A distribution list allows you to create a "non-expiring" email address to which you can add or remove people when necessary.
Update your CertCentral account settings to send the verification DCV emails to Org/Tech/Admin contacts from DNS TXT.
In CertCentral, in the left menu, go to Settings > Preferences.
On the Preferences page, select Advanced Settings.
In the Domain Control Validation (DCV) section under Send verification DCV emails to, select Org/Tech/Admin contacts from DNS TXT.
Go to the bottom of the page and select Save Settings.
See our instructions for Using Email verification to validate a domain on a DV TLS certificate
When registering a domain, you must provide contact information, such as administrative and technical contacts. Instead of using a personal email address, you can use one of the constructed email addresses for your domain, such as webmaster@yourdomain. Using a constructed email addresses allows you to create a "non-expiring" email address that you can add or remove people from when necessary.
On May 8, 2025, DigiCert will end support for the WHOIS-based DCV email method. DigiCert systems will stop querying WHOIS entirely to find email addresses for domain validations.
If you still want to use the Email DCV method, use the DNS TXT record email contact or the Constructed email method.
To learn more about the end of life for WHOIS-based email, see our knowledge base article, End of Life for WHOIS based email DCV method.
Are you expecting to receive an email at an address published in your domain’s WHOIS record?
Verify that your registrar/WHOIS provider has not masked or removed that information. If the information is masked, find out if they provide a way (such as anonymized email address, web form) for you to allow Certificate Authorities (CAs) to access your domain’s WHOIS data.
この検証方式では、デジサートが生成したランダムな値(CertCentralアカウント内のドメインに提供されるもの)を、TXTレコードとしてドメインのDNSに追加します。デジサートがドメインに関連付けられたDNS TXTレコードを検索すると、値にデジサートのランダムな値が含まれるレコードを見つけることができます。
この検証方式では、デジサートが生成したランダムな値(CertCentralアカウント内のドメインに提供されるもの)を、CNAMEレコードとしてドメインのDNSに追加します。次に、CNAMEターゲットとしてdcv.digicert.comを追加します。デジサートがドメインに関連付けられたDNS CNAMEレコードを検索すると、デジサートのランダムな値が含まれるレコードを見つけることができます。
You can only use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV methods to demonstrate control over fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) exactly as named in the certificate request. To learn more, visit Domain Validation Policy Changes.
Validating IPv4 and IPv6 address
Per industry regulations, you can only use the HTTP Practical Demonstration DCV method to demonstrate control over IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Use one of the other supported DCV methods to:
Validate wildcard domains, such as *.example.com.
Include subdomains in the validation when validating a higher-level domain. For example, if you want to cover www.example.com, mail.example.com, and one.example.com when validating the higher-level domain example.com.
Validate entire domains and subdomains.
Using HTTP Practical Demonstration