From the DigiCert® Trust Lifecycle Manager Discovery & automation tools > Sensors page, select a sensor by name to view the details page for it.
Select the pencil (edit) icon on the right side of the sensor details page to make changes to the sensor configuration, then select the Update button at bottom to apply your changes.
Sensor name: Friendly name used to identify this sensor.
Business unit: The business unit this sensor is assigned to.
Sensor communication interval: The heartbeat interval this sensor uses to sync with Trust Lifecycle Manager. Default is 120 seconds.
Proxy listening port: The TCP port number the sensor listens on when acting as a proxy server.
Debug log: Enable this option to collect more detailed logging messages for the sensor that can help with troubleshooting it.
Enable Server Sent Event Heartbeat: This feature allows the sensor to receive real-time instructions from Trust Lifecycle Manager, enhancing the responsiveness and efficiency of the system. DigiCert recommends enabling this feature for sensors that use certificate authority (CA) connectors as part of the workflow, as it ensures more immediate communication and updates.
Enabling this feature establishes a persistent connection between the sensor and Trust Lifecycle Manager, which can result in continuous data flow. This may increase the load on the network infrastructure and should be considered carefully based on the capacity of the network.
Use the sensor management functions to make quick updates from the sensor details page or directly from the sensors table on the Discovery & automation tools > Sensors page.
On the sensor host, edit the files in the sensor config sub-directory and restart the sensor service to update loopback ports, proxy client settings, or proxy server settings.