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Electronic signature

An electronic signature (or eSignature) is a broad term for any electronic process indicating an agreement or record acceptance. The most basic form of an eSignature can be a name typed on a signature line, using an image of your signature, selecting a checkbox, or drawing on a touch screen.

Digital signature

A digital signature is a more secure eSignature that is backed by a digital certificate which confirms the identity of the signer. During the signing process, information from the user's unique digital certificate is cryptographically bound to the signature field – providing strong legal proof that the user signed a specific document, and that document was not altered after the signing. Digital signatures are highly trusted around the world because they provide the highest confidence that:

  1. the signatory is who they say they are and

  2. signed a specific document and

  3. that signed document has not been altered.

Cloud signature

A remote digital signature where the signer’s digital certificate is stored in the cloud. Cloud signatures make it easy for users to sign on any device with a browser, without needing a USB key or smart card.

Electronic seal

An electronic seal (eSeal) is a digital signature used by a legal entity such as a business or organization to certify the origin, authenticity, and integrity of documents. For example, eSeals are often used by automated systems that process invoices or pay checks.