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業界では、コードサイニング証明書の最小鍵強度がRSA 3072ビットに移行されました。


  • 鍵がRSA 3072ビット以上のコードサイニング証明書のみを発行する*

  • コードサイニング証明書とEVコードサイニング証明書の発行に新しいRSAとECCの中間CA証明書とルート証明書を使用する


  • RSA 4096ビットおよびECCP-256ビットの鍵証明書用の5110 CC

  • ECC P-256およびP-384ビットの鍵証明書用の5110 FIPS

  • SafeNet eToken 5110+ FIPS for RSA 4096-bit and ECC P-256-bit key certificates.

  • SafeNet eToken 5110+ CC (940B) ECC P-256-bit key certificates.


  • RSA 3072ビットまたはECC P-256ビット以上の鍵長をサポートすること

  • FIPS 140-2レベル2以上、またはCommon Criteria EAL4以上に準拠するデバイスであること



Are you reissuing your EV Code Signing certificate for an HSM device?

HSMデバイスのEVコードサイニング証明書を再発行する場合は、申請と共に証明書署名要求(CSR)を送信する必要があります。セキュリティを維持するため、証明書はRSA 3072ビットまたはECC P-256ビット以上の鍵長を使用する必要があります。申請用のCSRを作成するには、HSMプロバイダーのドキュメントを参照してください。


EV CS証明書を再発行する

  1. CertCentralアカウントの左側にあるメインメニューで、[証明書]>[オーダー]の順に進みます。

  2. [オーダー]ページの[オーダー番号]列で、再発行するEVコードサイニング証明書の[クイックビュー]リンクをクリックします。

  3. 右側の[オーダー番号]詳細ペインで、[証明書を再発行する]をクリックします。

  4. HSMデバイスのみ – セキュアトークンを使用している場合は、ステップ5に進んでください。

    1. 署名ハッシュ


    2. Provisioning method

      The provisioning method refers to where you will store the private key and certificate. For the security of your EV Code Signing certificate, the certificate must be installed on and used from an approved device.

      Select the storage device for your EV Code Signing certificate and its' private key.

      • DigiCert-provided hardware token (nonrefundable)

        DigiCert ships you a secure token with instructions for installing the certificate on your token, so you can start signing code.

        Then, under Shipping address, add your shipping information: your name and the address where you want us to send the hardware token.

      • Use existing token

        After DigiCert issues your EV code signing certificate, you need to install the certificate on your token.

        In the Platform dropdown, select the type of hardware token on which you plan to install your EV Code Signing certificate:

        • SafeNet eToken 5110 CC (940) for RSA 4096-bit and ECC P-256-bit or higher key certificates.

        • SafeNet eToken 5110 FIPS for ECC P-256 and P-384-bit key certificates.

        • SafeNet eToken 5110+ FIPS for RSA 4096-bit and ECC P-256-bit or higher key certificates.

        • SafeNet eToken 5110+ CC (940B) for ECC P-256-bit key certificates.


        You must have a FIPS 140-2 Level 2 or Common Criteria EAL4+ compliant device listed above. You cannot install the certificate on any device not on the list.

        Need an approved token?

        Please select DigiCert-provided hardware token to have a token shipped to you. If you have questions, please contact DigiCert Support.

      • Install on HSM

        After DigiCert issues your EV code signing certificate, install it on the HSM where you generated the private key and CSR.

        Select Yes under Was the private key generated by a Common Criteria EAL4+ standard or FIPS 140-2 level 2 HSM?

        Note that we will send the certificate requestor an agreement email. This email is to ensure that a private key is stored on an HSM that is certified as FIPS 140-2 Level 2, Common Criteria EAL 4+, or equivalent. DigiCert will only issue the certificate after the requester agrees to the private key protection requirement.


      You must have a FIPS 140-2 Level 2, Common Criteria EAL 4+, or equivalent hardware security module (HSM) that supports at least 3072-bit keys.

      Select a different provisioning method if you don't have a compatible HSM. If you have any questions, please contact DigiCert Support.

    3. Reason for reissue

      In the box, enter the reason for the certificate reissue.

  5. [再発行を申請する]をクリックします。


Approval for your EV Code Signing certificate reissue may be required

If a reissue approval is required, we email the EV Code Signing verified contacts for the organization, informing them that they need to approve the certificate reissue request. Once we receive their approval, we'll reissue your EV Code Signing certificate.

Certificate issuance

Once the validation is complete and the order is verified-contact approved, we will issue your certificate. Then you can install your certificate on your hardware token or HSM.