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Certificate name mismatch

Related error

"To prevent browser warnings, use an SSL certificate with a common name or subject alternative name that contains the fully-qualified domain name of the server that hosts the certificate."


If the domain name (FQDN) in the TLS/SSL certificate doesn't match the domain name displayed in the browser's address bar, the browser stops the connection to the website and displays a name mismatch error. Errors create mistrust when connecting to a site and can cause clients to avoid your site (see Name mismatch in web browser).


When ordering a TLS/SSL certificate, the domain name on the TLS/SSL certificate must match the domain name for the website shown in the address bar of the browser exactly.

For example, to get a certificate for, you must add as a common name or SANs (FQDN) in the order form.

Possible reasons for mismatch error

  • Self-signed certificates: Self-signed certificates are often automatically generated and don't use the correct domain name (FQDN).

  • Exact domain name (FQDN) misspelled ; Occasionally, typos happen when filling out the order form for a TLS/SSL certificate.

  • Wrong type of TLS/SSL certificate: Not all certificates are created the same. For example, a Standard SSL certificate automatically secures both and If you want a Multi-Domain SSL certificate to secure both and, you must add both FQDNs to the certificate order form.


  • Only use certificates issued by a trusted Certificate Authority (CA), such as DigiCert.

  • Reissue/renew certificates with the exact domain name spelled properly.

  • Order the correct type of TLS/SSL certificate.