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Scan software with ReversingLabs

Scan your software with ReversingLabs by providing the file path to the files you want to scan.


To scan software with ReversingLabs, use the command:

smctl scan rl-scan --input <path to software>

Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:

smctl sc rl-scan --input <path to software>



Threat detection scan commands with ReversingLabs support these flags:

Table 1. Flags for Threat detection scans with ReversingLabs





--input string

Path to file you want to scan.


Scan exits with a non zero response on failure.


Use file reference, instead of copying to store directory.

--project string

Scan project alias.

--rl-secure-executable string

Path to ReversingLabs scanning tool (rl-secure) executable.

--rl-risk-report string

Specify yes or no to confirm whether you want to generate the Full Risk report for the threat detection scan. The default yes.

--sarif string

Specify yes or no to confirm whether you want to generate a SARIF report for the threat detection scan. The default yes.

--sbom string

Specify cyclonedx, spdx, or no to confirm whether you want to generate an SBOM report and the type for the threat detection scan. The default cyclonedx.

--scan-alias string

Provide a identifiable alias for this scan.

--store-dir string

File path to store the scanning data.


Provide a high-level summary of key findings and threats detected during the scan. Only available for users with the ReversingLabs service tier: Supply Chain Compromise Risk Assessment Service.



Help for the ReversingLab scan.


Description: Install ReversingLabs (rl-deploy) scanning tool in the same location as where it was downloaded.


smctl scan rl-scan --input <file to scan> --project <project alias> --scan-alias <scan alias> --version <version>

Command sample:

smctl scan rl-scan --input C:\Users\John.Doe\Documents\Software\ --project MVP-project --scan-alias MVPscan1 --version 1.0.0


For help with the list scans command, use:

smctl scan rl-scan --help

Alternatively, use the abbreviated version of the command:

smctl sc rl-scan -h
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