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CertCentral notifications

Account notifications

By default, CertCentral sends all account notifications to the organization contact for the primary organization on your account. Typically, this is the individual who created the CertCentral account.

You may want to assign additional email addresses to receive copies of the emails sent out from the account, such as order approval emails and user information updated emails. See Set up account notification recipients.

Emergency notifications

By default, CertCentral sends emergency notifications to the organization contact for the primary organization on your account. Typically, this is the individual who created the CertCentral account.

We recommend verifying and updating the emergency contacts for your account. It should only take a few minutes. Until you update your emergency contacts, we also send these notifications to the email addresses assigned to receive all account notifications. See Add emergency contacts to your account.

Certificate lifecycle emails

By default, certificate order emails, referred to as certificate lifecycle emails, are sent to the user requesting, technical contacts, and administrator and manager roles the certificate. You can modify the certificate lifecycle email settings and determine who receives the certificate lifecycle emails. See Configure certificate lifecycle recipient settings.

Certificate renewal notifications

By default, CertCentral sends certificate renewal notifications 90, 60, 30, 7, and 3 days before a certificate expires and 7 days after a certificate expires. You may want to configure when you receive renewal notifications, add a default renewal message to include in your renewal notifications, and assign additional email addresses to receive copies of renewal notifications. See Certificate renewal notification.

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