Edit a manager account and assign them the SAML permission
Before you begin
You must have SAML enabled for your account.
You must be an administrator in your account.
Assign a manager the SAML permission
Go to the user details page
In the sidebar menu, click Account > Users.
On the Users page, locate the user and click the user's Name link.
Assign the SAML permission
On the user's details page, in the User Access section, under selected role, check Allow access to the SAML settings.
If you've configured SAML SSO for your account and want to convert the manager to an SSO-only user, check Only allow this user to log in through SAML SSO.
Don't check Only allow this user to log in through SAML SSO unless you've configured SAML SSO for your account. If you check this box and SAML SSO is not configured, the user won't be able to sign in to their CertCentral account.
When you are finished, select Update User.
What's next
The next time the manager signs in to their account, they will have access to the SAML features in your account.
If you opted to make the manager a SAML SSO-only user, they'll be sent an email with the custom SSO URL for signing in to their account.
Are you using an IdP initiated login URL to sign in to your CertCentral account? You need to provide the new manager with this IdP initiated URL or application.