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DV TLS/SSL certificate enrollment

DV TLS/SSL certificate products are not available in your CertCentral account by default. To get DV TLS certificates added to your account, contact your account representative or DigiCert Support.

DV TLS certificate lifecycle process:

  1. Order DV certificates

    GeoTrust DV SSL, RapidSSL Standard DV, and RapidSSL Wildcard DV certificates are available in CertCentral.

  2. Cancel DV certificate orders

    When needed, you can cancel a pending DV certificate order before DigiCert issues the certificate

  3. Check DV certificate order status

    Check the status of your DV certificate orders.

  4. Complete domain control validation (DCV)

    Before DigiCert can issue your DV certificate, you must demonstrate control over the domains on the order.

    The supported DCV methods for DV certificate orders are Email, DNS TXT, DNS CNAME, and HTTP Practical Demonstration.

  5. Access issued DV certificates

    To get a copy of an issued DV certificate, download it from your CertCentral account. You can also email the certificate to someone from inside your account.

  6. Reissue DV certificates

    Reissue a DV certificate to replace the existing certificate with a new one with different information.


    DV certificates don't support domain prevalidation. Each time you reissue a DV certificate, you must demonstrate control over the domains on the reissue request.

  7. Cancel reissues on DV certificates

    When needed, you can cancel a pending reissue request on a DV certificate, before we issue it.

  8. Renew expiring DV certificates and certificate orders

    Reissue an expiring or expired DV certificate. Renew an expiring or expired DV certificate order.


    DV certificates don't support domain prevalidation. When renewing a DV certificate, you must demonstrate control over the domains on the renewal order.

  9. Revoke DV certificates

    When necessary, you can revoke an issued DV certificate.

    Certificate revocation is a two-step process:

    1. Submit a certificate revocation request.

    2. An administrator in your CertCentral account approves the revocation request, and DigiCert revokes the certificate.