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Create a device profile

  1. In DigiCert ONE®, in the Manager menu (top right), select DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager.

  2. In the DigiCert​​®​​ IoT Trust Manager menu, select Devices > Device profiles.

  3. On the Device profiles page, select Create device profile.

  4. On the Create new device profile page, do the following:

    1. Enter the device profile name

      This name is how you identify the profile on the Device profiles page and on forms that require a device profile, such as the Create enrollment profile form.

    2. Assign the device profile to a division

      In the Division dropdown, select the division to assign the profile to. A user limited by division can only access the device profiles assigned to their division.

    3. Enter a brief description of the device profile

      This description appears on the device profile details page.

  5. Under API access, select the device-centric API endpoints that the devices created under this profile need permissions to access.

    These settings allow a device to authenticate to the API endpoint and perform the corresponding action. Devices can authenticate to the API using certificates associated with their device record as valid credentials.

    These permissions do not change any other portal or API behaviors or workflows. For example, a user renewing a certificate through the portal is not affected by these settings.

    1. View device details

      Allows the device to see its details.

    2. Update device details

      Allows the device to update its details when needed.

    3. Renew certificate

      Allows the device to renew its certificate. Renewing a certificate uses the same license instead of requiring a new one.

    4. Revoke certificate

      Allows the device to revoke its certificate.

  6. In the Fields section, add custom fields to track information about your devices.

    When you add a custom field, you can make it required or optional.

    • Required fields must be completed before we can issue the device certificate.

    • Optional fields can be left blank.

      The Device Identifier field is required. You cannot remove it.

  7. When you are ready, select Create.

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