SAML SSO: Invite users to join your account
Before you begin
You must have administrator-level permissions in your account.
You must have SAML enabled for your account.
You must have the invitees' email addresses.
Invite users
In your CertCentral account, in the sidebar menu, click Account > User Invitations.
On the User Invitations page, click Invite New User.
In the Invite New Users window, enter one or more email addresses, comma-separated.
Optional: To restrict users to Single Sign-on account access only, check SAML Single Sign-on (SSO) only.
This option disables all other authentication methods for these users. Additionally, on the enrollment form, SSO-only invitees need to add only their personal information.
Optional: To add a custom message in the account creation email, check Send custom message and enter the message.
When you are finished, click Send Invitations.
What's next
The invitees receive an account creation email with a link to create their user account.
After users create their accounts, go to the User Invitations page (in the sidebar menu, click Account > User Invitations) and approve/activate the new user account requests.