DigiCert Smart Seal does not set or use cookies of any kind.
Some content management systems (CMS) strip empty tags from the page, like the empty "div" tag included in the DigiCert Site seal code. Stripping the empty tag prevents the site seal from loading.
Check with your CMS vendor to see what they recommend. However, you can add content to your site seal "div" tag, so it's not empty.
Example of adding content to "div" tag
<div id="DigiCertClickID_f8wBj4Ja"><a href="">SSL Certificate</a></div>COPY
Has your certificate expired and not been renewed?
When your certificate expires, the site seal will no longer appear on your website.
Did you purchase a new certificate that was not specifically a renewal of the previous expired order?
You need to generate the site seal code for the new certificate order. Then use the new site seal code to replace the old site seal code on your website.
Has your contract expired yet to be renewed? Depending on your contract terms, the site seal may no longer appear on your website when your contract expires.
Did you modify the site seal code?
Try replacing your modified code with the original code. JavaScript modifications or changes to the ID attribute on the "div" tag can prevent your seal from loading on your website.
Each site seal is linked to a specific certificate order. Verify that you are loading the site seal on a domain included in your certificate order. Check the common name and subject alternative names (SANs) on the certificate order to ensure your website's domain is included in the order.
JavaScript errors occurring on the page may prevent the site seal code from running before the site seal code loads. Check your browser's error console.
Ad-blockers, such as Ublock, may block the site seal from loading on your webpage. The ad-blocker service may have deemed the seal invalid and ad-based.
The site seal does not include any identification or tracking.
After installing the site seal code on your website, you can modify the site seal from your CertCentral account or via a CertCentral Services API integration.
Some modifications, such as changing the size of the site seal image, do not require you to reinstall the site seal code. However, if you modify the hover effect, you must reinstall the site seal code for those changes to be applied to the site seal on your website.
Expired certificate
Your certificate may have expired, and now the seal is no longer valid. See Expired certificate above.
Wrong domain
Each site seal is linked to a specific certificate order. See Wrong domain above.
Before your logo appears in the site seal on your website, DigiCert must approve it.
Your company logo must:
Accurately represent the organization as listed on the certificate
Not contain obscene or pornographic images
Not contain profanity or offensive language
Once approved, the Smart Seal on your website updates automatically to include your logo.
When replacing your logo, we delete the existing logo from your account and remove it from the site seal on your website. After we approve the new logo, it will appear in the site seal on your website.
For logos to display in your site seal, they need to be an SVG Tiny Portable/Secure file. Learn how to make this file type
Do you still need help finding a solution for your situation, or are you unsure how to proceed? Contact DigiCert Support.