The following menu items are used to set up and manage the automation service in CertCentral:
Automate now!
Serves as a launch page to help select between the various automation deployment types, along with a wizard-style guide for setting up the managed automation solution. A good place to start for new deployments or if you are not already familiar with CertCentral automation.
Manage automation
Used to manage automation clients, including both standard hosts and network appliances. Go here to install the DigiCert ACME agent and sensor software, and to configure automation clients that are already installed.
Manage profiles
Used to create templates with pre-defined certificate options, in order to facilitate automation requests and maintain uniformity across your environment. Go here to specify the types of certificates that clients can request before scheduling automation events for them.
Automated IPs
Used to schedule automation events for clients that are already installed and configured. Go here to begin automating certificate lifecycle events – such as enrollments, renews, and reissues – either individually or in bulk.
ACME Directory URLs
Used to set up third-party ACME clients such as EFF certbot for use with CertCentral automation. Go here to obtain the credentials needed for third-party ACME clients to communicate with the DigiCert cloud.
API Keys
Used to view and manage the keys needed to access DigiCert's API services including automation endpoints. Go here to verify or update existing API keys or to request new ones.
The above menu items are available from the Automation area in CertCentral. To see all of these menu items, you must have automation enabled for your account. If automation is not enabled for your account, you will only see the ACME Directory URLs and API Keys items. Contact DigiCert support and ask for automation.