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Run multiple PDF Service instances with one Nginx in Docker

Nginx is a web server that can be used as a load balancer to run multiple PDF Service instances in Docker. DigiCert provides you with a ready-to-use Docker Compose file and its associated files.

Select the number of PDF Service instances and then execute the Docker Compose file. No additional configuration is required.

Use this option to create several hashes (maximum 200) and then pass them on at once in Document Trust Manager API calls as described "1 - Signing multiple hashes" in Postman with one SAD (Signature Activation Data).


  • Linux host

  • Docker installed ( is located the PDF Service folder)

  • PDF Service 2.0 image

To run multiple PDF Service instances with one Nginx in Docker:

  1. Download and save Nginx and PDF Service Docker configuration files.

  2. Copy the files to your Linux host where the PDF Service is running.

  1. Open a terminal and change to the directory where nginx-conf and the docker-compose.yml file are located.

  2. To check if PDF Service is running, run command:

    docker ps
  3. To stop PDF Service, run command:

    docker container stop <container name>
  1. Open the docker-compose.yml file with an editor such as Nano or vi. For example:

    nano docker-compose.yml
  2. Enter the desired number of instances (replicas).

  3. Press Ctrl+X keys to close the file.

  4. Press Y key to confirm saving the file.

  5. Press Enter key to confirm the file name.

To execute the Docker Compose file, run command:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

To display all running containers, run command:

docker ps 

Follow this link to access the PDF Service in your browser.

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