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Deactivate domains in your CertCentral account

Learn how to deactivate domains in your CertCentral.

Before you begin

Only CertCentral administrators can deactivate domains in your account. Deactivating a domain blocks certificate issuance for that domain until you reactivate the domain.

It does not affect existing certificates that include the deactivated domain. It does not affect completed domain control validation (DCV) checks for the domain.

Deactivate a domain

  1. In your CertCentral account, in the left main menu, go to Certificates > Domains.

  2. On the Domains page, in the Domain name column, select the domain you want to deactivate.

  3. On the Domain details page, select Deactivate domain.

  4. In the Deactivate Domain window, select Deactivate domain.

What’s next

You have now blocked certificate issuance for this domain in your CertCentral account. Before you can order a certificate for the domain, you must activate it.

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