What does SAD mean?
SAD stands for Signature Activation Data.
How long is a SAD valid?
95 days.
Is there a limit to the SAD?
There is no limit to sending parallel requests. It is recommended to send 2 or 3 requests.
How long is an Access Token valid?
The Access Token is valid for 60 minutes. It can be adjusted up to 24 hours by DigiCert® Support on request.
Can the authorization process be triggered via the Go>Sign Mobile application without a valid hash?
Use a dummy hash to trigger authorization via credentials/authorize API call.
Does the hash always send Base64 encoded to the Document Trust Manager API?
The hash is signed and sent back to the application as Base64 encoded.
How many accounts can be configured in the Go>Sign Mobile application?
Presently, only one account can be configured. Change the configuration or install the application in multiple smartphones to configure multiple accounts.
Why do I get a Gateway 504 timeout error after I have authorized?
You receive this error if you do not authorize the request within one minute.
There was an outdated authorization request in the application, and you tried to authorize an old request which no longer exists.
To resolve this, open the application and select Remote authorization at the bottom. If the application shows open requests, delete them by selecting Cancel (top right) until there are no more requests. Then, start a new authorization request via the credentials/authorize API call.
Can multiple signers be used?
It is recommended to use two signers. If the first signer is unavailable, the second signer is able to authorize via Go>Sign Mobile application.
How can another signer be created?
Use the same signup link to create a new signer. You will find this on the datasheet provided by DigiCert®.
How many signatures can I complete in an hour?
By applying various performance options, it is possible to achieve up to 12,000 signatures per hour. These values have been tested.
Your network connection and infrastructure might affect these figures. We recommend that the performance must be thoroughly tested before you go live.
Is the authorization synchronous?
Yes, the authorization is synchronous.