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Known issues for managed automation


Currently, we are aware of these CertCentral managed automation issues. To report errors, contact Support.

Sensor automation issues



Citrix HTTP Automation - Virtual Server fails to start if service bindings are not defined.

Before the automation is initiated, configure server bindings on HTTP site.

BIG-IP F5 LTM automation – “IP unreachable” error when scheduling automations.

Ensure extensions (.crt and .key) are included in filenames of certificates and keys uploaded to the load balancer.

ACME agent automation issues



Automation request fails if an approval is required.

Enable automatic approvals for certificate requests in your CertCentral account. See Enable automatic certificate request approvals.

ACME protocol supports only the auto-approval certificate request workflow.

Automation requests fail if they include International Domain Names (IDNs).


Automation requests fails after I modify, add, or remove custom fields on my request form.

Recreate the ACME directory URL for the automation profile. See Fix an incomplete automation profile.

If you modify, add, or remove custom fields on a request form after the automation profile is created, you must recreate the ACME directory URL in all affected profiles.

Note: DigiCert recommends adding all needed custom fields to your forms before creating automation profiles, if possible.

The website and CertCentral Automated IPs page display default HTTPS binding certificates in place of the specific IP/port HTTPS SNI binding certificates.

Configure the IP address of the default HTTPS binding for this port as All unassigned on your IIS server.

Then sign into your CertCentral account, go to the Manage automation page, select the name of the agent, and then select Update configuration in the panel that opens on the right.

Where can I find the log files?

On Windows

Logs are stored in C:\Program Files\ folder where the sensor or agent gets installed by default. However, if you select a different installation location, the logs will be stored wherever the sensor or agent is installed on the machine.

Log type



Sensor logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\DigiCert sensor\logs

Agent logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM  Agent\log


Microsoft IIS

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\win-acme.vX.X.XX.XXX\logs

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\win-acme.vX.X.XX.XXX\output

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\win-acme.vX.X.XX.XXX\error

ACME client logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\consoleApache.log

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\outputApache.log

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\errorApache.log

ACME client logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\consoleIBMHttpd.log

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\ibmscript.log

ACME client logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\consoleNgnix.log

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\outputNgnix.log

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\errorNgnix.log

ACME client logs


C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\consoleTomcat

C:\Program Files\DigiCert\ADM Agent\packages\acmeclient\tomcatscript

Certbot logs



On Linux

Logs are stored at the location where the sensor or agent is set up on the machine.


  • For Apache and Ngnix, refer to the agent log file for details.

  • For any application, in addition to application-specific log files, refer to let’s encrypt log file for more details.

Log type



Sensor logs



Agent logs



ACME client logs







ACME client logs



Let’s Encrypt logs

