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Update your single sign-on with OIDC configuration


To perform this action, you must have a user role that contains the Manage accounts permission.

To enable and configure SSO with SAML

  1. Sign in to your DigiCert account.

  2. In the left menu, select Accounts > Sign-in methods.

  3. Select Single-Sign-On with OIDC.

  4. In the Connect your IdP to DigiCert section, you can update the following values from your IdP to allow DigiCert to communicate with your IdP for OIDC authentication:

    1. Provider URL

      The URL of your IdP's OIDC discovery endpoint, used by DigiCert to retrieve metadata for authentication. It often follows the format: https://<your-idp-domain>/.well-known/openid-configuration.

    2. Client ID

      ID from your IdP that DigiCert​​®​​ account can use to identify itself in requests to your OIDC service.

    3. Client secret

      Password from your IdP that DigiCert​​®​​ account can use to authenticate requests to your OIDC service.

    4. ID token audience

      Intended recipient of ID tokens your OIDC service generates. Must match the ID token audience configured in your IdP.


      These values are usually found in in your IdP dashboard, under Authentication or OIDC settings.

  5. Select Save configuration.

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