Limit who can add new organizations from request forms
Before you begin
By default, when ordering a TLS certificate (Standard SSL, EV SSL, etc.) from your account or from a guest URL, users can add either an existing organization or a new organization (name, address, etc.).
If needed, disable the Add New Organization feature for the Standard User, Finance Manager, and Limited User roles when ordering a TLS certificate (OV and EV) and remove it from the guest URL certificate order forms. This change does not remove the ability to add an existing organization to an order as this is required for all OV and EV TLS certificate orders.
Administrator and Manager roles retain the ability to add new organizations, whether this feature is enabled or disabled.
Limit who can add new organizations from request forms
In your CertCentral account, in the sidebar menu, click Settings > Preferences.
On the Division Preferences page, at the bottom of the page, expand Advanced Settings.
In the Certificate Requests section, under Add New Organization, uncheck Allow users to add new organizations when requesting TLS certificates.
At the bottom of the page, click Save Settings.