Create your CertCentral user account
Before you begin
After your administrator invites you to join your organization's CertCentral account, you'll receive an email with instructions for setting up your new account. The email subject line is Please create your user profile for DigiCert CertCentral.
User invitations expire 30 days from the time they are sent.
Create your user account
In your inbox, find the email from DigiCert with the subject "Please create your user account for DigiCert CertCentral".
In the email, select the link to create your user account.
On the Create CertCentral User page, under Personal Information, enter your user information.
Under Account information, create your account sign-in credentials.
When done, selecct Enroll.
What's next
You'll receive a confirmation email informing you that your account request was sent to your administrator for approval.
After your administrator approves the request, you'll receive an email notifying you that they have approved it, and you can sign in to your account.