Discovery includes a renewal notifications feature, making it easier to manage all your SSL/TLS certificates in one place—CertCentral. Once enabled, Discovery will send renewal notifications for expiring discovered SSL/TLS certificates, regardless of issuing Certificate Authority (CA).
These renewal notifications include the option to renew your SSL/TLS certificate with us. When renewing a "discovered" SSL/TLS certificate in CertCentral, we'll replace it with an equivalent DigiCert certificate. For example, we'll replace a single-domain SSL certificate with a
DigiCert Standard SSL Certificate.
By default, Discovery sends renewal notifications for discovered SSL/TLS certificates to the primary CertCentral administrator—the individual who created the account and receives all account notifications.
We also send renewal notifications to any additional email addresses assigned to receive account notifications.
For discovered SSL/TLS certificates, Discovery uses your CertCentral renewal notification settings to determine when to send renewal notifications. By default, CertCentral sends renewal notifications 90, 60, 30, 7, and 3 days before a certificate expires, and 7 days after a certificate expires.
To customize your renewal notification schedule, see Certificate renewal notifications.