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Enterprise PKI Manager


Enhancements to CSV bulk upload solution

  • Modified the CSV upload and processing to work asynchronously, which allows for greater throughput and avoid timeout errors. Processing of the CSV file will be done by the backend even if you leave the web page. However, we recommend you stay on the page so that you can view the result of the processing.

  • Support to delete Seats in bulk (via CSV file), which will automatically revoke all certs associated with the Seats being revoked.

Support for additional Subject DN and Subject Alternative Name (SAN) attributes

  • New supported Subject DN fields for all certificate types:

    • Unstructured Name (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.2)

    • Unstructured Address (OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.8)

    • Serial Number (OID

    • Unique Identifier (OID 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.44)

    • Description (OID

  • New supported SAN fields for Private Server certificates:

    • IP Address

    • Other Name (GUID)

    • Registered ID

    • URI

    • RFC822Name (Email)

  • New supported SAN fields for User certificates:

    • RFC822Name (Email)

    • User Principal Name (UPN)

  • New supported SAN fields for Device certificates:

    • RFC822Name (Email)

Change of default "Manage Profiles" page - Changed the default page when visiting the "Manage Profiles" menu link to show the list of saved profiles and a button to "Add profile", instead of showing the certificate "Templates" page.

REST API documentation - Link to the Enterprise PKI Manager REST API documentation from the Resources menu option.

Known issues

ECDSA keys not supported by the "Browser PKCS12" enrollment method, although a profile can be configured to use such keys. Research is ongoing to support this feature.