The general process of installing a DigiCert® agent on a server involves two main steps:
Unpack and install the agent software on the server.
Authenticate the agent to your CertCentral account to provision it for discovery and automation services.
Silent mode installation minimizes the need for user intervention to help automate this process and allow for bulk installation of multiple DigiCert agents at once. Silent mode uses a companion application to help authenticate and provision the agent during step 2.
The companion application securely provisions the agent and starts the agent service on each server without the need for user intervention and without exposing the account’s authentication key.
The companion application for silent mode installation uses key-based authentication as an alternative to a username and password.
You need a DigiCert API key to authenticate your agents during provisioning, and can revoke the API key once the agents are deployed and running on your servers.
To get started, prepare for silent mode installation of DigiCert agents on your Windows and/or Linux servers.