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SAML request a certificate workflow

When a SAML user signs in to use the SAML certificate request URL, they open their own Client Certificates landing page. This page is where they can come to order a client certificate, check the status of their certificate order, etc.

SAML certificate request form

To order a client certificate, on the Client Certificate page, click Request A Certificate. On the Request Certificate order form, select the certificate you want to order and the validity period. Add a CSR if company policy requires it.

The requestor can't edit the common name, email address, or organization as this information is pulled directly from the SAML assertion. If the information is incorrect, the requester must contact you or another administrator who can make the corrections.

Use certificate cards to manage certificates

When a SAML user signs in via the SAML certificate request URL, on the Client Certificates page, they'll see various certificate cards depending on where they are in client certificate process. The cards allow them to see the certificates they've ordered, the status of an order, and options to download, order, and revoke a certificate.

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